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Why Work With Us?

If you fancy to be part of a $100 Billion dollar Training industry kickstart you career with TechTris Academy. Be a part our mission to upskill India

Bootstrap your Career

The best way to learn is to teach someone else. Start your tech career as a technical trainer. We like to hire freshers right out of college and train them to be industry leaders. We don't require any prior experience in tech or teaching. All the required training will be provided after they are hired

Expert Mentorship

TechTris is backed by industry leaders in both tech & teaching. Leverage their expertise to learn, grow your own career. We follow 80 20 rule like google. 80% of the work is dictated by business needs & 20% of your work will be self determined, as a result our employees can align thier long time goals with their job at TechTris Academy.

Flexibility & Hybrid Work

We offer flexible working conditions that help our employees balance work and private life.

Flexible working conditions such as the ability to work remotely, part-time, and take personal leave in the form of sabbaticals. We will continue to adapt processes and provide relevant tools for the best possible hybrid work environment.

Mobile Work

Work wherever it suits you best. On the train, in a cafe between appointments, or from your desk at home. This is mobile working at TechTris Academy. The ability to choose where they want to work helps our employees strike the best possible balance between their work and private lives. At TechTris Academy, all employees are permitted to work remotely, as long as it is compatible with their responsibilities.

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