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Bootcamp for ALL

A typical bootcamp promises students lofty outcomes but then rushes them through curriculum at a breakneck pace. Bootcamps are promoting a model where only the fittest are assured survival.

We don’t deny that the conventional bootcamp model works for some people, but we don’t think it’s right for most people.

TechTris Academy self paced, self learning medium ensures that students can complete the bootcamp in thier own stride

The factory-based model of education is centered around the time-based conveyor belt that ushers students from one topic to the next. In MBL(Mastery Based Learning), there is no such conveyor belt  and there is no fixed time for completion. The movement between stages is based on passing a test of mastery. If the student passes the mastery test, he progresses else he retakes those particular stages vis OSL (Online Self Learning)

Mastery Based Learning(MBL)

Core pillars of MBL

1. No Fixed Timeline

A student can take either 3 months or 6 months  to complete the same bootcamp depending on his skill & pace.

2. Gates/Stage based Progression

You get to digest and master concepts at your own pace. An MBL pedagogy requires that it be self-paced, but this also means that it can be a lonely journey since you are deprived of a traditional cohort or classmates.
Before Moving to the next stage, assessments have to cleared, if not the stage needs to repeated with OSL(Online Self Learning)

3. Assessments

There are Assessments for each School day and at the end of each stage. These will assess the depth & clarity of the understanding of concepts. Their competencies to apply these concepts in real world scenarios. All of our coding exercise assessments are unit tested to check for correctness of the solution. Read More

4. Application Based Learning/Concept stacking

There are Assessments for each School day and at the end of each stage. These will assess the depth & clarity of the understanding of concepts. Their competencies to apply these concepts in real world scenarios. All of our coding exercise assessments are unit tested to check for correctness of the solution

Lets take an example for the following Programming Skills.

1. For Loop

  • What is a for loop

  • How does it work

  • How to write a for loop

2. If else statements

  • What is an if else statement

  • How does it work

  • How to write a If else statement

3. If else statement inside a for loop

  • How to combine For loop & if else statements?

  • How to write if else statement inside a for loop

  • How will the code behave?

4. Algorithm & Problem Solving

  • How to Solve Problems

  • How to Design an Algorithm

  • How to verify Algorithm

5. Programming

  • Read the problem

  • Design the aglorithm

  • Implement the Program with the algorithm, for loop, if else statement.

This forms a skill tree with applications of the skill previously learnt.

Skill Tree.png

Entire courseware on TechTris Academy is based on such concept stacking. After each concept is introduced there are assignments & examples as to how to combine with other concepts previously introduced. This ensures that the learning is cemented.

All of our curriculum constructs skill trees like these and heavily focuses of applying/combining skills previously learnt.

5. Fundamental Concepts

MBL focuses heavily on fundamental concepts. This is our core philosophy.. If you’re asking people to learn to mastery, you can’t teach them something that will not be as useful after a year or two. At TechTris Academy, we’re not trying to catch a wave or take advantage of a surge in demand. Instead, we’re trying to focus on things that’ll be useful to you for decades to come, such as a systematic problem-solving approach or learning how to deconstruct a programming language or building sound mental representations of how web applications work.

Since we have a strong focus on basics & fundamentals, we don't require any prior experience in development/coding at all.

5. Concept Stacking

The programming landscape involves applying concepts on top of previously learnt concepts or combine two or more concepts to achieve end result. Our instructional design specifically designed the courseware keeping this in mind and have assignments & exercises which will test their ability to apply the concepts they have learnt. Coding exercises will introduce concepts & introduce complexity into the problems in a phased manner. This enables the  students to ease into the bootcamp and assimilate the knowledge


Software Developer Tiers

We conceptualize Software developers at 4 tiers. Each tier being more sophisticated, informed & skilled. We strive to level up the developer as quickly as possible. Out aim is to get the developer to be a "Tier 3 Skilled Developer" with intense 6 months of effort

The following attributes diffrentiates b/w the tiers

Tier 1 Entry Level Developer
Tier 2 Informed Developer
Tier 3 Skilled Developer
Tier 4 Skilled Practitioner
Copy paste mentality
Mental Models
Code with intention
Terminology & Lingo
Under the hood knowledge
Best practices
Bigger Picture
Design/Architectural Patterns
Career Plan for Trainee.png
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