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Make the student job ready & immediately deployable in the workforce.

Get the student hired in a technical Job in the stream of the student's choice

Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge

  • Should the know the keywords in the primary coding language

  • SHould know the syntax of the primary language(JS/Java)

  • Should know all the features in the primary coding language

2. Comprehension

  • Read the code from a project

  • Must be able to read Technical Documentation like ( Javadoc/setup/guides etc)

  • Must be able to Describe each of language feature with it benefit

3. Application

  • Should be able to write syntactically correct code

  • Must be able to compile & test the code

  • Should be able to setup the project and be productive

  • Translate the algorithm into code

  • Must be able to apply Programming best practices

  • Must be able to applyi best practices for Tech stack

  • Must be able to write algorithm for a given problem

4. Analysis

  • Identify Bugs in a given code

  • Select the right programming construct/datastructure for the problem

  • Analyze a given technical problem

  • Describe the functionality of particular feature after reading the code

5. Judgement

  • Know what is good programming practice vs bad programming practice

  • Knows what are the tradeoffs with choosing a data structure for a given problem

  • Be able to review other people code

  • Knows how to optimize a given code/algorithm

  • What how to achieve efficiency for runtime/memory etc.

Learning Activities

Engagement is core to any instructional design. We try to have a multi modal engagement. We also have switch up engagement modes to break the monotony and keep the students interested in the course.

  • Videos: Watching authored Videos, Watching third party instructional Videos

  • Documents: Reading authored documents

  • Presentations: Watching presentations

  • Assignments: Completing assignment with MCQs

  • Lab: Completing Coding exercise

  • Project: Working on Live Project

  • Gamification: Acquire badges, XP(Experience points)

  • Doubts: Raising Doubts/Viewing Doubts raised by other


We have gated assessments at the end of each stage, to progress on to the next stage. We also have assessments via MCQ on a per unit & lecture basis

We use the following grading criteria for coding exercises. Link

Summative Assessment

At the end of the bootcamp we have summative assessment with grading from 0-10. Representing the amount of content the student has learned and has shown ability to apply in real world

It will be based on the following 3 components

  • 1. MCQ assessment

  • 2. Coding Exercise assessment

  • 3. Live project contribution

Formative Assessments

Formative Assessment will include unit wise breakdown of the students performance

It will be useful to measure the students growth across the duration of the course


All of our bootcamps can be completed fully online. Our courseware is specifically designed to be consumed in virtual online scenario. Our custom LMS is fully designed from the ground up to be truly next gen. It has features like realtime poll, bench feature, chat

The medium of instruction is English. All lectures are delivered in English. As part of the curriculum, we also help you develop your written and verbal communication skills that help you become more employable.

Bootcamp Mode

We have 3 different bootcamp modes, all the modes have the same courseware & curriculum, just the mode of interaction is different.

1. Online Self Learning(OSL)

This will be purely online & virtual without the aid of any instructor. You will be using our custom LMS solution to access the courseware. You will have access to the following  features

  • Documents

  • Videos

  • Assignments

  • Github

  • Forum

  • Doubts

  • Groups

2. Online Self Learning with Live Sessions

A Live session is 1 hour session with an Instructor with a group of 10 students. Here the students can directly interact with the instructor to get their doubts cleared. This is good balance b/w OSL(Online Self Learning) & ILT ( Instructor Led Training)

3. Instructor Led Training(ILT)/Hybrid

All ILT(Instructor Led Training) bootcamps are hybrid. Meaning they will have 8 hours of ILT Session & 2 hours of OSL Session per day. This will include all features of OSL plus following extra

Theory Class

Instructor will be conducting the theory class via Video conferencing. The students will be able to interact via the bench leader and ask questions.

Theory Class will consist of

  • Presentations

  • Illustrations

  • Live Demo

  • In Session Assignments​

Lab Class

Lab Session will consist of instructor explaining what the Lab assignment is and how to solve the same.

Lab Class will mainly have In Session Coding Exercise with

  • Instructor Explaining the problem

  • Discussing the Algorithm

  • Student will start coding the solution

Class Recording

All theory & lab class recordings will be made available to the students.

Typical School day Schedule

All ILT bootcamps will be conducted with 5 days per week with Saturday and Sunday off.

Each School day will consists of

  • ILT(Instructor Led Training) Sessions

    • Theory Class​

    • Lab Class

  • Self Learning Sessions

    • Self Learning Assignment

    • Take Home Coding Exercise​


Self Learning Sessions will not be conducted by the instructor and will be completed the students themselves.

10 AM - 11 AM
11 AM - 12 AM
12 PM - 01 PM
-- Break --
01 PM - 02 PM
02 PM - 03 PM
03 PM - 04 PM
04 PM - 05 PM
[ Self Learning Assignment ]
07 PM - 08 PM
[ Take Home Coding Exercise ]
08PM - 09 PM

Bite sized

Bite-sized elearning units are small, self-contained information nuggets. They typically range in duration from 1 to 15 minutes and are usually focused on one or two tightly defined learning objectives.


All of our content including Video/lectures/Documents are all bite sized meaning they will not take more than 15-20 minutes to consume.

We interleave each 1 hour theory with 1 hour lab. This ensures that there is no monotony.

Increases learner retention – Learners are more likely to remember information when it is presented in small, consumable chunks.

Hands on Labs

We have perfectly equal weight for theory & labs. 50% of the student's time will be spent in theory & 50% of the student's time will be spent in lab.

If the student chooses he can spend more time on coding exercises and increase the time he wants to spend on lab

We will not have more than 1 hour theory at a stretch. 1 Hour of theory will always be followed by 1 hour lab or 1 hour break. This is done to ensure that students immediately get hands on experience for the theory they studied and they can relate the theory they just studied with practical experience. This will also ensure that students are not overwhelmed with many concepts that they are struggling to understand in a single shot

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