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Our bootcamps will have many assignments & coding exercises each with different objectives. All assignments have to completed by answering the questions within the TechTris Academy LMS. All coding exercises & Live project has to be complete in the IDE and the test report uploaded to the LMS.

We have the following 5 different types of assignments.

  • In Session Assignments

  • In Session Coding Exercise

  • Self Learning Assignment

  • Self Learning Coding Exercise

  • Live Project

In-Session Assignments

These will typically be Objective Type questions that will have to answered during the Instructor Led Training(ILT) Session during theory Sessions. These MCQs can only be attempted once and they can not be retaken.

When are the assignments issued?

These questions needs to be answered within the ILT session. If it is an OSL session then the expectation is the student will complete the assignment after listening to the Video/reading the documentation etc. The LMS ensures that the unit can not be marked complete without completing the assignment

How often are the assignments issued?

There will be 1 In-Session Assignment for each theory class. Meaning 1 In-Session assignment for each hour of  the theory class.

What is the purpose of this assignment?

Main Objective is to assess  whether the student is listening, paying attention & able to understand the theory being thought.

What are the questions in the assignment like ?

The questions are completely objective type and consists of 

  • Multiple Choice Question(MCQ)

  • What is the output of a code Snippet


How are the assignments assessed?

Calculated as percentage of the questions answered correctly

In-Session Coding Exercise

These are unit tested coding exercises that the student is expected to solve in the presence of the lab instructor during the lab classes. All the Lab coding exercises are mandatory.

When are the assignments issued?

For an ILT session, these questions needs to be answered within the ILT lab class. Example if the lab class starts at 03:00 PM & is ending at 04:00 PM. The expectation is that the assignment should be complete before 04:00 PM, i.e before the next class start. However the student has the option to complete it later, but before the end of the week.


For an OSL session the expectation is the student will complete the assignment after marking the unit as complete. The assignment can be completed later. The assignment should be complete if the stage needs to be cleared.

How often are the assignments issued?

There will be 2 or 3 lab coding exercises for each lab class

What is the purpose of this assignment?

Main Objective is to reinforce the learning of the theory classes. Also to introduce the concepts in a real world setting.

What are the questions in the assignment like ?

These are typically Unit tested Coding Exercises

How are the assignments assessed?

Calculated as percentage of the exercises that are completed successfully and the number tests are passing.

Self Learning Assignment

These contain Videos/Presentations/Reading Material.

The expectation is student will watch/read the material and understand the concepts. This will be followed by MCQs to check that the student indeed has understood the concepts.

All MCQ are compulsory. All Video/Reading material are also compulsory

When are the assignments issued?

For an ILT based bootcamp, these assignments are issued after the end of the school day. They are expected to be completed at the end of the week.

For an OLS based bootcamp, these assignments are issued when the student marks the unit as complete. They are expected to be completed at the end of the stage.

How often are the assignments issued?

Not every School day will have Self Learning Assignment. It will be assigned as and when required. They are typically scheduled before the start of a new Module or Section.

What is the purpose of this assignment?

Objective is to introduce new concepts that will be explained in-depth in the next school day as preparatory measure. Another object Could be refresh the concepts introduced much earlier.

What are the questions in the assignment like ?

The questions are completely objective type and consists of the following

  • Multiple Choice Question(MCQ)

  • What is the output of a code Snippet


How are the assignments assessed?

Calculated as percentage of the questions answered correctly

Self Learning Coding Exercise

These are unit tested coding exercises where the student needs to apply everything he has learnt in the theory & lab sessions to complete the Assignments

When are the assignments issued?

For an ILT based bootcamp, these assignments are issued after the end of the school day. They are expected to be completed at the end of the week


For an OLS based bootcamp, these assignments are issued when the student marks the unit as complete. They are expected to be completed at the end of the stage.

How often are the assignments issued?

There will be 6-10 Self learning assignment for each school day. These will have to be completed after the end of Lab & theory classes.


Typically there will be multiple coding exercises for each concept with varying difficulty. However the student is expected to complete at least 1 coding assignment for each concept. This is done to give students the option to pick the assignment they want to complete based on their skill level. If the student chooses he can complete all coding exercises.

What is the purpose of this assignment?

Main Objective is to assess  whether the student is able to apply what he has learnt in the theory & lab classes.

What are the questions in the assignment like ?

These are typically Unit tested Coding Exercises

How are the assignments assessed?

Calculated as percentage of the exercises that are completed successfully and the number of tests cases that are passing.

Live Project

This is typically done at the end of section/module/stage to apply all the learnings of one section into one cohesive assignment. This is unit tested and or manually reviewed by Lab instructor

It will involve collaborating with their benchmates to build different modules of the product. This simulates a real world project with production like setup.

When are the assignments issued?

For an ILT based bootcamp, these assignments are issued at the end of module and the end fo the course. They are expected to be completed at the end of the stage.

For an OLS based bootcamp, these assignments are issued when the student marks the module as complete. They are expected to be completed at the end of the stage.

How often are the assignments issued?

There will be 1 Live Project Assignment at the end of each module and the end of the course.

What is the purpose of this assignment?

Main Objective is to reinforce the various learning of the module into 1 cohesive assignment. Also to let the students experience the real life collaboration in a production setup. The Live project will faciliate the following qualities in students

  • Leadership

    • The Bench Leader will be coordinating with all team member, splitting the work, work with integration etc. This will foster leadership skills for the bench leader.

  • Team work

    • All 6 members of the bench will need work on the same project, splitting & planning for their work. This fosters team work, essential for any work environment

  • Technical Collaboration

    • Completion of the project requires technical collaboration where in the specification for the API needs to be compatible with the UI, database & so on.

  • Communication

    • All team member will need to communicate with their bench mates

What are the questions in the assignment like ?

It is an expansive  coding exercise with a real life requirements.

How are the assignments assessed?

It is a combination of Manual Review & automated assessment interms of unit tests. Calculated as percentage of the assignments that are completed successfully or manually assessed by the lab instructor

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